Not Verified
27 Years Old
Alyesia's Needs
- $800/mo max
- Needed by
About Alyesia
- Other Female
- Other occupation
- No kids
- Smoker (only outside)
- Has dog(s)
- Languages: English
My Ideal Place
Lease Terms
- 12 month
- 6 month
- 9 month
Room Details
- Furnished/Unfurnished
- Shared Bedroom Okay
- Shared Bathroom Okay
Alyesia's Perfect Match
- Female, Male, Non-binary, Other gender
- Between ages 21-99
- Okay to join other roommates
- Okay with dog(s)
- No kids
- Smoking is okay
Connect with Alyesia!
Hi! My name is Alyesia, I'm a 25-turning 26 year old female. I'm looking to move to Oregon at the end of june, I do have a small quiet dog named Ciara. She is a Lab-retriver mix but only goes up to about my knee. I tent to try to keep to myself and am Job hunting (have a few interviews lined up.) I currently live in Utah
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Where Alyesia is looking:
2 People Interested... Start Connecting Now!

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