32 Years Old
Laryssa's Needs
- $1,900/mo max
- Needed by
About Laryssa
- Straight Female
- Professional
- No kids
- Smoker (only outside)
- No pets
- Languages: English
My Ideal Place
Lease Terms
- 12 month
- 6 month
- Month to month
Room Details
- Furnished/Unfurnished
- Private Bedroom
- Private Bathroom
Laryssa's Perfect Match
- Okay to join other roommates
- Okay with cat(s), dog(s)
- Kids are okay
- Smoking is okay
Connect with Laryssa!
Both my Fiance and I are looking for a smaller place to call home either renting a room from someone or getting into an apt. Together and we are potentially interested in having roommates if we can find the right place with the right match of other inquiring applicants. We are laid back in our early 30's we are both in recovery and both have some barriers that have limited us in renting previously but have also been easily explained and we are both very well supported and respected by the overseeing agencies that are happy to give us a great reference as well as give any potential renter more than enough reassurance of our journey to this place where we have a better life today and live a much healthier and more successful and positive lifestyle but please if there are any questions or concerns please know there's no hesitation to answer any questions any renters may have again there's full transparency as well to the obstacles we have overcome our past
Laryssa's Match Lifestyle Quiz
Review Laryssa's Lifestyle Quiz for a Perfect Roommate to speed things up. It's fast, easy & secure!
Where Laryssa is looking:
59 People Interested... Start Connecting Now!
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- pablo loko
- Jermaine Caulder
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- AEissa
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- Jenna Britton
- Alexander Wiersema (xander hammer)
- Oren Barzilay
- Charles
- Ronald Seeney
- Jeff anthony
- George Deleon
- Adil
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- Anthony
- Tony
- Allison
- Amaya
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- Elizabeth
- Andrew D
- Jarrel David Blake Sr
- Digg Style
- Alex Carmona
- Alex Mazzaferro
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- Jade williams
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- josh fisher
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- Alfred Pfister
- Christopher Roderick
- Shannon Ryan
- Matthew Dickinson
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- John Armenio
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- Julia Stone
- Diyala
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- Jeffrey Rodriguez
- Martin
- Alex
- Kyree Wilson
- Brian
- Ok Boy
- Gina Canale
- Alfred DiCrosta
- Lauren Hyne
- Patricia W
- Matthew James Hutchison
- Dennis Schmidt
- Lindamarie

Laryssa Benner
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