10 Do's and Don'ts for Finding the Perfect Roommate
Picking the right roommate is crucial in any living situation since it will determine whether the environment is peaceful and harmonious. Whether you are settling into an apartment for the first time with others or you have just received news that one of your housemates will vacate and you desperately need someone compatible, here are ten key do's and don'ts that will get you on the right track to finding that ideal roommate.
1. Give Preference To Compatibility
First, there is lifestyle compatibility. Do you enjoy a quiet, clean home, or would you really enjoy the social aspect? The sooner you define what you want, the better your chance of finding someone similar in values and habits. If you work nights, for example, you need to find a roommate that will respect your sleeping schedule. Sometimes, discussing little things upfront can save big headaches later on.
2. Do an In-Depth Interview
Approach finding a good roommate as you would a job interview of sorts-you will be sharing your space with them, after all. Prepare questions about schedule, hobbies, and past roommate experiences. Take this opportunity to get a read on their personality and style of living. Are they early risers? Do they have guests over often? Covering these bases will ensure there are no surprises later.
3. Do Set Clear Expectations
From cleaning duties to acceptable noise levels, it's all about setting boundaries and expectations from the very beginning. Reach a consensus on responsibilities such as chores, when rent is due, and how to deal with overnight guests. The more open the conversation at the beginning about these types of issues, the less friction will exist throughout, helping mutual respect develop.
4. Check References
And reference checks from prior landlords or roommates of your future roommates should not be a bad idea; that will tell you about how responsible they are, whether they are clean, and if they are easy to live with. If they're hesitant to give references, that's a warning sign that they may want consideration.
5. Do Be Open to Compromise
Any situation in life where one is living with someone else requires consideration of compromise, especially when living with a roommate. No matter how much one thinks they know what their perfect roommate will be like, flexibility is still paramount. So many small habits or lifestyle differences can be overcome with some give-and-take from both parties.
6. Avoid Rushing The Process
Tempting as it may be, especially when timelines are tight, to go with the first person who applies. But this might well lead to frustrations later down the line when rushed decisions seem to have gone wrong. Take your time out to meet several candidates, asking the right questions and time to think about your decision. A little patience may save you from potential headaches down the road.
7. Don't Avoid Discussing Finances
Probably the most common reason for conflict between roommates involves financial disputes. Make sure you have a clear discussion about who pays the rent, how utilities will be divided, and other shared expenses. This can be very frustrating if it does not happen because one or more roommates do not understand what is expected of them and may delay making payments.
8. Don't Miss the Red Flags
If a roommate applicant raises some flag during interactions, for example, being evasive about their financial situation or prior living arrangements not brush it off. Go with your gut; if something feels wrong, it's better to look elsewhere and find someone who makes you feel confident in your decision.
9. Don't Forget About Pets
If you or your prospective roommate have pets, make sure you discuss how you'll care for them and how they'll mesh with the living arrangement. Not everyone feels comfortable with animals, and allergies or differing pet-care opinions can be a real problem. Be sure to discuss the issue of pets before proceeding with a lease.
10. Do Not Neglect Your Online Security
During your search to find a roommate online; you will be giving out personal details to people you do not know. You should take great care in safeguarding yourself. Many people like to use the Usenet service, like a VPN, in order to keep their information safe throughout the process. Finding the best Usenet service provides secure, encrypted browsing that will help your information stay safe when communicating with potential roommates or browsing rental listings.
Final Thoughts
Again, finding the right roommate does take time, patience, and attention to detail. The following list of do's and don'ts will make it quite easy for you to avoid many of the common pitfalls toward a more agreeable and peaceful collateral living. Be very sure that compatibility is No.1, that expectations are clearly set, and listen to your instincts. A careful approach can solve the gamble of sharing not only your space with him but also enhance your living experience.